Anxiety + DepressionHealth + Wellness What are Psychedelics? And research on their impact on certain mental health conditions. Psychedelics are substances that…Viviana PerryAugust 9, 2022
Anxiety + DepressionHealth + Wellness Going Back to School For most kids, the thought of going back to school brings up a host of…Viviana PerryJuly 28, 2022
Anxiety + DepressionHealth + Wellness Agoraphobia: an anxiety disorder Agoraphobia is recognized as an anxiety disorder in the DSM-5. It is characterized by an…Viviana PerryJuly 28, 2022
Anxiety + DepressionHealth + Wellness Holistic Care in Support of Mental Health 1 in 5 people in America experience mental health issues on a daily basis. With…Abby De La MercedJuly 19, 2022
Anxiety + DepressionHealth + Wellness Why Vitamin B and Nutrition is Important to our Brain Health The biomedical model of medicine refers to a framework for understanding illness, treatment, and health…Viviana PerryJune 8, 2022
Anxiety + DepressionHealth + Wellness Trichotillomania: Signs, Causes and Treatment Trichotillomania is one of the most common types of Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors, or BFRBs. Unlike…Viviana PerryJune 1, 2022
Anxiety + DepressionHealth + Wellness Somatic symptom disorder: causes, symptoms and treatments Unlike many other psychiatric disorder classes, the DSM-5’s Somatic Symptom and Related Disorder class is…Viviana PerryMay 25, 2022
Anxiety + DepressionHealth + Wellness How Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) Affects Women Millions of individuals have recurrent emotional, cognitive, and physical symptoms related to their menstrual cycles.…Viviana PerryMay 18, 2022
Anxiety + DepressionHealth + Wellness Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD) Children may develop some of the same conditions more commonly associated with adulthood, such as…Viviana PerryMay 3, 2022
Anxiety + DepressionHealth + Wellness Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) vs Obsessive compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) goes far beyond a person washing their hands a lot or repeatedly…Viviana PerryMay 3, 2022